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September 10, 2012
Town of Princeton, Massachusetts
September 10, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY13 Warrant #3

The Board reviewed and signed the FY’13 #05 payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.


Stan moved to accept the minutes of Aug. 27, 2012.  Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Old Business

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project   John L. reported on construction updates. The replacement skylight at the library needs to be energy efficient. Invoices for the project total $31,469 and reimbursement is expected to be $16,644. School is still waiting for go-ahead from the EPA; after approval, work will proceed. Representatives from EPA had positive comments about work already done. Work can proceed anytime as Principal Mary Cringan said she can find space to move students away from construction areas.

Update on Roadways   John L. reported that section of Hubbardston Road [from RR tracks to Hubbardston line] was recently repaved but needs line painting applied after surface cures—cost will probably match bid price. Mirick Road reconstruction is underway with two large culverts installed and some subdrains. Reconstruction of Greene Road is waiting for decision from Conservation Commission. Route 140 in East Princeton project may seek federal TIP funds but town must provide engineering/design  (to 25 percent complete) as well as any land acquisition. Many engineering firms have shown interest. With a 5-year window, project would not begin until 2017.

Status of  Since PMLD will cease as host to town email address, as of June 30, 2013, Phil Mighdoll is offering to manage it going forward but town must “own” it or lose it. Much discussion ensued: about servicing couple hundred current users on the PMLD WiFi; the cost of only $75 per year to host, a $10 URL fee; potential for town staff being disrupted if calls come in seeking customer service for email accounts, there’s no tech advantage, etc. Phil M. insisted there is no service call issue, since he’s been the go-to all along and he’s received—of late--almost no calls from customers of the email.
        Stan M. made motion that after June 30 of next year, town will pay an invoice from Phil M. to continue holding the email address for one year, until June 30, 2014. Neil and Stan voted in favor; Edith opposed.

New Business

6:00 PM Dog Hearing Request  Board reviewed documents on dog hearing procedures and complaint about dog owned by Phil Connors from Mary Bolger, 25 Worcester Road, who was in attendance. Stan made motion to set dog hearing for Sept. 24 at 5:45 PM to act on written complaint. Parties will be notified.

Fire Dept. Capt. Ken Whitney described an upcoming, regional training event when the LifeFlight helicopter lands on town common, Sept. 18, at 5:45 p.m. Each time the aircraft upgrades, a training event is held for public safety personnel to experience the new features. At least eight surrounding communities will send staff for the demonstration, which includes a class in The Annex. It’s a credit course for EMT certification. Neighbors will be notified by mail, town website and flashboard trailer on the common. Fire personnel from out of town will carpool, and both churches will be asked to allow parking in their lots. Board voted all in favor to approve use of town common from 5-9 p.m. on Sept. 18.

Scheduled Meetings

5:15 PM Assessor appointment    Assessor Tim Hammond came in with Robert Cumming. A letter of recommendation was noted, from Assessor Gary MacLeod. Mr. Cumming was nominated by Mr. Hammond to fill remainder of year for seat vacated by John Lampher on the board, to serve until May 2013 election. In roll call vote, Neil S. said aye, Stan M. said aye and Edith M. said aye.

6 p.m. Report from Parks & Recreation Commission  Director Sue Shanahan attended with Chairman Kevin Heman and Ron Milensky. Selectmen had received a written report in advance. Sue explained the various sports, classes and other activities the commission managed, including after-school theater and art [with grant funds from the Cultural Council], youth and adult leagues, soccer, baseball basketball, tennis and disk golf. They noted that biggest constraint is competition for use of the gym at Thomas Prince School. Stan asked about “underutilized town assets,” mainly town land. The commissioners explained that the 67-acre Boylston Park is being considered for timber harvesting which will generate revenue. Foresters will be marking out the terrain this month. The goal will be to create some trails after harvesting is completed—park’s acreage is currently rough and thickly vegetated and not easily passable.
Sue noted that activities are always changing because they’re offered when people are willing to provide them. The commission is always looking for people to step up who are willing to instruct or lead activities.

Council on Aging Appointment      Board voted all in favor to appoint Edith Johnston, Mirick Road, to fill an empty seat on the Council on Aging for remainder of term through June 2014.

Other Business     Board discussed issue of high speed internet coming to town. Stan noted that equipment has been installed in six town buildings that are community anchor institutions. A service provider/operator is next step. It was reported that Comcast could not bring cable to town years ago because utility poles were too short. Since ice storm replacements and with other updates, the poles may now be usable. Various vendors/providers may be invited to visit town officials and explain what they can or would do. Stan suggested coordinating with other underserved communities [mostly to the west] and offering a larger customer base to a provider. Suggestion made to enlist a consultant to figure out best route to take--funding for consultant may need a warrant article. An exit poll at November election was suggested to ascertain voters’ willingness to support such an article. Board may seek information from Shrewbury officials who have experienced a similar initiative. Board decided best route is to reconstitute a tech committee to investigate options for getting a 3-part bundled service into town.
        Stan moved to direct town administrator to seek volunteers for a high speed internet committee. Board approved motion--all in favor. The town administrator will put out a request for volunteers to serve on a committee, seeking especially individuals who possess knowledge and experience in technical, legal, business or related elements of the high speed internet industry.

Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. All voted in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents:
AssessorAppoint letter 9-6-12
Assessors let. from Gary MacLeod
Parks Recreation Update 2012
Vacancy in town office Ch.41Sect. 11
Selectmen’s minutes 8-27-12

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department